Friday, April 10, 2009

Past the Sea of Twirly, Swirly Gumdrops...

Wow. It's been two months since my last post... does that tell you anything about my life? I am amazed by college students that can manage a full load while keeping up with blogging. Maybe a twitter account would be better for me...

I truly don't even know where to begin. These past two months have included a week-long trip to my beloved NEW YORK CITY [I lived there this summer for those of you who have missed my constant ramblings about it], my twenty-third birthday, the discovery of a cupcake shoppe in Raleigh [don't underestimate the importance of this fact], and... well okay, maybe my life hasn't been THAT eventful, but I can hardly recap my week in New York to my own friends in person without going off on tangents, so why should I expect that I could do it on here? =]

Let's see... I can do this... my NYC week in a nutshell.
Researching the spiritual climate on campuses... same as my entire summer. New York is such a spiritually dark place, and it absolutely broke my heart to hear people's struggles with loneliness in a city with millions of people.

Return trip to my favorite corner of Fifth... you probably know exactly where I'm referring to if you've ever been to New York, but it involves the Apple store [and I ADORE my new MacBook!!!]

An afternoon tea party at Alice's Tea Cup when there were three feet of snow (or more... see Bryant Park below) and there wasn't much else to do. HIGHLY recommend it... a little expensive but worth it for the experience.

Went to see two Broadway shows, one for the second time.... maybe you recognize it? =]

We won the lottery tickets for In the Heights, after trying five times this summer.... front row center, only $26. This one goes down as my second favorite of all time... and I've seen thirteen Broadway shows. Youtube the soundtrack, or download it on iTunes if you trust me that much.... it's simply phenomenal.

We definitely did much more than that, but most importantly God did some amazing things during the week in our lives and in the city. I really love New York... as in, I wake up every single day sad that I'm not there. I'm sure some of you who have lived abroad or a city like NYC share my sentiments. At least it's only a plane ride or road trip away, or past the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest and... well you know.