Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm trading in my ballet flats.... for running shoes.

Let me tell you, this is no small feat. I haven't ran since.. sophomore year of high school, and that was just for a fitness test. Seven years. Plus, I never exercise except for dancing. Huge deal for me.

I'm not sure what inspired my best friend Dana and I to run a half-marathon next November. Maybe it was the fact that my BMI recently and officially hit the overweight category (yeah, that's probably it), or the strong desire I've had to make a lot of positive change in my life, and to use this time in my life when I'm single and not obligated to much... whatever the reason, I am quite determined to do this. =]

Goal: Running first a 5k, then the 13.1 mile OBX half marathon on November 9... time is not an issue at this point
Current BMI: 25.0
Goal BMI: 19.1

I'm going to avoid making weight loss my focus, which is why I'm using my BMI stats instead of weight... I don't need to be obsessed with the number on the scale. I'm so excited about this new adventure, and so blessed to have the support of a best friend doing this with me and my wonderful friends to motivate me.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Go you! I am going to start running again and I am also going to fitness bootcamp before I go on my cruise.