Saturday, December 27, 2008

Colonial Christmas

Our trip to Williamsburg yesterday was a lovely idea, but didn't turn out quite as well as I hoped... the outlets were ridiculously crowded, and the selection was not what we expected. Frustrated, we grabbed lunch and headed toward the historic district and walked around for a grand total of 5 minutes before it started pouring (the forecast was a 20% chance of rain and a high of 60, neither of which were true) , but that gave us an excuse to go in some of the adorable little general stores. I was incredibly impressed with my point-and-shoot Canon SD1100IS (the story on why my Kodak died this summer is funny in retrospect, I may have to share that later) ...I am so excited that I'll be able to finally blog with pictures!! Plus, I have the least steady hand in the history of photography, and it was cloudy, but the pictures turned out quite well! The decorations there are just darling, and will definitely be a source of inspiration for future Christmases. Some of my favorites:

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