Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Weekend.

What a crazy weekend! ...especially considering that on Friday, I had absolutely no plans except to recover from staying up till 3am on Thursday (any guesses as to why I would do that? hint: it has to do with that time of day right before it gets dark...) After my last-minute hair appointment on Saturday morning, my mom came into town and we got tickets to see a Christmas favorite, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, that night! I'm glad that at least my family can keep up with my serious case of spontaneity... Anyway, the show was phenomenal - for what the music sometimes lacks, the light show and pyrotechnics definitely make up for it! My mom had been wanting to go for some time, so I'm glad she got to see it although her only comment was on how deafening it was...

Before the show, we got in some pre-mad dash shopping - I used to hate, HATE shopping with "old folks", but ever since college my mom has become my indispensable shopping buddy. Although shopping with my friends is a lot of fun, I'm usually more focused on socializing than actually looking, plus I rarely try anything on unless it's absolutely screaming at me to buy it (I believe this actually happened when I got my red Gap peacoat...). However, my mom always pulls out the things that I might not give a second glance to for whatever reason, but when I try it on OMGIHAVETOHAVETHISRIGHTNOWPLEASE. Like this (in navy).

I almost missed this chance to channel my inner Waldorf, but thanks to my mom, this somehow incredibly flattering shirt (that does not, in fact, make me look like a pilgrim) has already been put to good use... twice. (In case you were wondering, it's J Crew's Emerson blouse... with my college discount and the 20% off sale, we ended up scoring it for $12... take that, "J Crew is way too expensive" naysayers!). What can I say? Moms always know best. =]


Kate said...

$12? What a steal!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so fun! Thanks for popping over to enter the Giveaway!
